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Second Report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (1994-1999)

Upon ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the contracting states undertook to submit regular reports on their progress in implementing the UN CRC in their respective countries. The National Coalition appended the views of civil society to the Federal Government's report as the supplemental report submitted by the National Coalition reflected the involvement of more than 90 member organisations and that of children and adolescents. The CRC has already been in place for ten years - and equal rights are still lacking for all 'unaccompanied refugee children', 'securing subsistence and poverty' as well as 'ecological children's rights' merely represent some key concepts that emerged as core issues from the second reporting period.
However, not enough is being done at the national legislative level either. The primacy of the best interests of the child and taking a child's opinion into account have still yet to be codified into law.

Every Child should be aware of his or her Rights

The National Coalition continues to campaign to raise awareness of childrens' rights amongst adults, children and adolescents, for example including references to these rights in school lesson plans. Participation of children and adolescents should be promoted to a greater extent in various areas. The criticism that children and adolescents were not involved in preparing the state report should definitely be addressed for the next report.

